WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? Journalists censoring & suppressing political discussion

September 29, 2015 11:51 PM
From: "Barry Ceminchuk" <goodguys@looterparty.com>


I previously sent you and many journalists an email (attached below) regarding “ARE JOURNALISTS CENSORING & SUPPRESSING POLITICAL DISCUSSION, FAVOURING PARTIES & AFFECTING THE ELECTION?” and as you are ignoring it and the serious election issues I raise including (explained in detail in emails):

1. Corruption – funnelling government jobs and contracts (hundreds of millions) to cronies, political hacks and interest groups.

2. Election rigging and cheating - using government jobs and contracts.

3. Stealing jobs and business and money from decent hardworking Canadians, without compensation.

4. Trade (Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)) issues - serious long term economic consequences like flood of foreign workers displacing Canadians, giving away Canadian sovereignty and control of the border and laws, Referendum required as it fundamentally changes the way Canadians are governed, putting Canadians out of business because foreign companies do not have to meet the same health, food safety, etc. Canadian standards, and the resulting concern of health and safety of Canadians.

These are all serious, big time issues that the Canadian people should be aware of and told about.


I expected the press to be outraged at the use of government jobs and contracts and the stealing from decent hardworking people, and to push these issues like the Sponsorship scandal years ago and the recent Senate issues. Thieves should be confronted and cleaned out and cheaters disqualified and vilified. That they are not leads me to question what is really going on here.

This is like the Sponsorship scandal and the Senate issues, they are integrity of government issues, and are completely unacceptable and should not be tolerated.

There are serious problems with the electoral process in a democracy when issues are being censored and hidden from the people.


Are you deliberately trying to protect established politicians? Trying to hide serious major issues from the Canadian people? Ignoring politicians cheating in an election and stealing hundreds of millions from decent hardworking Canadians? Are my points too complicated (everyone should know that government jobs and contracts are not political pawns)? Are my points too confrontational (these are serious issues)?

Some one has to stand up to corrupt politicians that are thieves and cheaters. I will not be nice and play nice. Corrupt politicians and their cronies running their thieving, cheating and stealing schemes and getting rich are laughing at the pansies and suckers that are being fleeced. If they are not laughing they should be, you are helping them.

Some guy (i.e. me) gets angry at politicians using government jobs and contracts for political support (as all Canadians should be), again, which is corruption, cheating and stealing, without compensation, and a rights issue, and the fellow (i.e. me) tries to start a political party to clean up the politicians and this is ignored by the press.

It is difficult enough to start and expand a political party without being treated unfairly.

As these actions are not being stopped, or even discussed, then I point all government jobs and contracts are obviously political pawns to be used and should be available to every party. I would therefore be required to demand the same government resources of government jobs and contracts to funnel to my pals and interest groups so I can get votes, support and kickbacks. The opponents are cheating and have not been disqualified, therefore to REALLY clean up the corruption, cheating and stealing I will have to cheat better. Ridiculous.

I also ask those who do not mind that they are taking some guy’s job and giving it to interest groups for votes and kickbacks, to please give up your job.

My main message is Clean up corrupt, election rigging, thieving, sociopathic politicians and civil servants and compensate their victims.

The following emails discuss the issues in detail.

Barry Ceminchuk
Looter Party

EMAILS (most of you have seen these before):

Looter Party, Are journalists censoring & suppressing political discussion, favouring parties & affecting the election?
Barry Ceminchuk
September 8, 2015 at 11:20 AM
To: goodguys@looterparty.com

I have sent this to many people.

I am raising issues with the press coverage of the federal election.

I understand people are busy and that you are trying to do a job, but I am asking for feedback from those that have the time and interest to respond. I mean this nicely.

My question is:

Is there some form of censorship, agreement to not discuss certain issues, hide the actions of a political party (not discuss actions like using government jobs and contracts), misrepresent proposed policies by not covering opposing views, ignore new political parties, or some such practice by the Canadian press?

If so, even if inadvertent, these favour some parties and affect the election.

I am not sure if this is a question, criticism or a complaint. A bit of each I guess.

At the least this should start a series of articles discussing press coverage of elections, press censorship and press bias and favouritism, and the press coverage of fledgling political parties.

The reason I ask this is I am trying to get a new federal political party started, the Looter Party, and have sent many journalists emails discussing issues (see list below) and the emails have been ignored. Some recipients of this email may not have seen all the emails discussed below, they are included at the end.

I raised many issues including corruption, election cheating, taking jobs and business from decent hardworking Canadians, giving away Canadian sovereignty (control of laws and borders), Goodwill for the Looter Party, etc. and provided detailed evidence and research to back up my points. I see these as serious, big time, major issues that the Canadian people should be at the least aware of, and that should be discussed.

The corruption and stealing from decent hardworking people without compensation is enough to clean out the politicians. No questions asked, there is the door, pal. Politicians have to be taught to keep their hands off government jobs and contracts. Even if some do not mind, this is a Canadian people issue, government jobs and contracts belong to the Canadian people.

The payment for “Goodwill” is also at the least an interesting political point, a party claiming an amount ($31M) for past use of government jobs and contracts which buys “Goodwill”. I would think the press would consider shaming the government into paying so there can be a fair election.

I am asking did I do something wrong? Have I not explained the points well enough? Are they too detailed (I provided extensive evidence)? I mean this nicely but am starting to wonder if journalists are trying to hide these issues from the people trying to protect the establishment politicians and/or deliberately trying to control the political discussion and affect the election?

It is difficult enough to get a new party started without being ignored, and again these are big time election issues. I am also convinced cleaning out corrupt and stealing politicians will win an election.

These are not dull, boring issues, and I see people getting angry at the politicians over these issues. Angry people will clean out the politicians. Albertans recently got angry at the provincial Conservatives because of their stealing and entitlements.

I do not mean this as criticism of the coverage; this has largely been excellent, covering most policy announcements and certainly the Duffy trial with commentary, astute. But the areas I mention are not being covered.

I have included three emails (sorry lengthy but detailed) that discuss the points listed below. They are also discussed on the Looter Party website in Releases (
http://www.looterparty.com/releases.htm), along with some other issues.

By the way, I read journalists pay to travel on party leader’s campaign buses/planes. Any one that would like to travel on the non-existent Looter Party bus/plane is welcome to at a greatly reduced fee.

Issues I have raised include:

1. Corruption and election rigging, using government jobs and contracts for votes and kickbacks.

This is discussed in Email 1, below.

This is a no-brainer, everyone except the corrupt should be against this. I showed the Conservatives and Liberals have used, are using and are promising to use government jobs and contracts for political party benefit. This is corruption, election rigging and cheating. Government jobs and contracts belong to the Canadian people, not political parties. There are severe penalties for corrupt politicians.

Also, every party, and my political party, are entitled to the same government resources. Only a fool plays a game against opponents that are cheating and using government resources against them. Also see Goodwill point below.

2. The government taking jobs and contracts, which is taking money and business from decent hardworking Canadians.

This is discussed in Email 1, below.

This is related to Point 1. Canada is not some third world country run by tin-pot dictators that take jobs, business and money from decent hardworking people. At the least people should be compensated, another no-brainer.

3. Accusing Harper and Trudeau of cheating in the election and using and promising and attempting to obtain (Criminal code section 119) jobs for multiple people.

This is discussed in Email 1, below.

4. A political party (my party, the Looter Party), claiming an amount ($31M) for the “Goodwill” created by the use of government jobs and contracts by opposing political parties.

This is mentioned in Email 1, below.

This is original and at the least an interesting political point that should be discussed. Opponents have used Billions of dollars worth of government jobs and contracts for votes and kickbacks, which builds Goodwill (votes and support and contributions for the party). Another party is entitled to the same government benefits. Another no-brainer.

This is required immediately to build a national party quickly. It takes years and a lot of money to build a party the traditional way. Again, I would think the press would consider shaming the government into paying so there can be a fair election.

5. Pointing out the implications of the race and gender quotas (which are to be across the government) and preferences.

This is discussed in Email 2. It includes an email sent to Trudeau discussing the implications. No reply received as of this writing.

These politicians clearly want to give away people’s jobs, including some guy with a wife and kids job and money, which is stealing money from the guy and his wife and children. These people want to steal from children. They are obviously too dumb to think that far or are just thieves, but that is what they want to do. I want to give away their job and money and take their money to compensate their victims.

I would also think that some guy (i.e. me) saying that as politicians want to give away some guy’s job, I want to give away their job and money, is a story in itself. I expect their reaction to this to be quite funny. We will see how they like what they want to do to others being done to them. Just desserts as they say.

Also, everyone should be against quotas, they are discriminatory, force lowering standards and passing over better people, and take jobs from decent hardworking people. There are also endangering public safety and personnel issues. Another no-brainer.

I would also think that pointing out the implications of quotas, which seems to be too complicated for the politicians, is also a story. Especially when it shows the politician does not have the intellect to understand what he is really saying. See email to Trudeau below.

This is also really proportional hiring, which is silly and simpleton level and should be ridiculed.

On this point, I did read a few articles discussing quotas, many supporting them (again not thinking of the implications) and some that were at best mildly critical. No article I read comes close to discussing the points in my email and I did not see any that mentioned the point that politicians are to keep their hands off government jobs and/or the corruption.

I also point out that those that support quotas should give up their job, or do they want to do something to someone else but not affect them?

6. Points with the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that has serious long term economic consequences for Canada.

This is discussed in Email 3, below.

The issues here are flooding the country with foreign workers displacing Canadians, giving away Canadian sovereignty and control of the border and laws, Referendum required as it fundamentally changes the way Canadians are governed, putting Canadians out of business because foreign companies do not have to meet the same health, food safety, etc. Canadian standards, and the resulting concern of health and safety of Canadians.


If you have read this far, thank you for your attention.

I would appreciate any comments you have. My points could affect the coverage of the election.

Barry Ceminchuk
Looter Party
(780) 952-1792
(I prefer to be contacted by email, many of my points are involved and best explained in writing, and I turn my phone off when I am driving)

FOLLOWING ARE THE EMAILS (some may have received slightly different versions):

These are lengthy so some might want to skim the emails.

Email 1. Corruption and election rigging, using government jobs and contracts for votes and kickbacks, taking jobs and contracts which is taking money and business from decent hardworking Canadians, accusing Harper and Trudeau of cheating in the election, claiming an amount for the “Goodwill” created by the use of government jobs and contracts by opposing political parties.

To: "goodguys@looterparty.com" <goodguys@looterparty.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 9:26 PM

Subject: Looter Party says Harper and Trudeau are cheating in the election and wants them disqualified

Sent to some journalists, political commentators, etc.

I am still organizing and setting up the new Federal political party called the Looter Party, discussed in a National Post article:


I also made a claim for a payment for Goodwill ($31M) from the federal government for the past benefits the opponents have received from using government jobs and contracts for votes and kickbacks. I have not received the payment to be used for organizing and advertising the party. I am looking (not yet) at offering a reward for ideas to get the Goodwill payment.

I thought you might be interested in:

The Looter Party accuses (not alleges) Harper and Trudeau and their political parties of cheating in the election by using the promise of government jobs and contracts for votes and kickbacks.

The Looter Party wants Harper and Trudeau and their political parties disqualified from the election. This also includes any politicians from any other party and/or independents involved with the actions.

If the opponents are not disqualified, then the Looter Party demands the same benefits. When an opponent is cheating they should be disqualified, if they are not disqualified then the Looter Party has to cheat better.

The actions include, with both, government jobs being rigged including parachuting political hacks into the civil service, jobs for pals and race and gender preferences and quotas, and with contracts, the Liberals and the Sponsorship and many more contracts beyond the Sponsorship (hundreds of millions of dollars with government contracts) being used as political pawns to funnel to pals, cronies and donors to the party (back to themselves).

Politicians are not to use government jobs and contracts. Every politician should know this.

Government jobs and contracts belong to the Canadian people, not some politician or political party. Hiring is to be on merit (best) and contracts tendered.

The Looter Party points out Canadians should be very angry with these politicians; they are using the jobs and business of decent hardworking Canadians for votes and kickbacks, and to cheat in the election. They are also stealing jobs and contracts from the people, from the government, and from decent hardworking Canadians. This is inexcusable.

The Looter Party website has detailed information on politicians rigging government jobs and contracts, see:

A. Some of the areas http://www.looterparty.com/areas.htm, and

B. Home page:
http://www.looterparty.com, and the emails to the Queen:


and the information on my webpages clearly shows that the politicians want to steal jobs and contracts and do not care about the victims. If they did care they would have stopped the actions and compensated the victims.

C. Harper’s race and gender preferences which are shown in the Looter Party web pages.

D. Trudeau’s announcement of gender and race quotas. These quotas are to apply across the government as his “Real Change” document heading “GOVERNMENT APPOINTMENTS THAT LOOK LIKE CANADA” points out (discussed in RELEASES webpages). Proportionality is also silly and indicative of a simple mind. This is typical of the Liberal Party, they use government jobs and contracts as political pawns, again see "areas" above.

And, they are giving away some guy’s job. How dare they give away some guy’s job. Who do these people think they are?

And, they are deliberately and carelessly hurting and working against decent hardworking Canadians. They do not care about the income and families of the people they take jobs and contracts from, their victims. They should be shown the same care and consideration that they show for their victims. These people have to be cleaned out.

Take some guy with a wife and kids job and money so what, let’s take their job and money, so what. Serves them right. They obviously do not like what they do to others being done to them. This is so simple it is almost funny.

The Looter Party wants the Canadian people to get angry at the corrupt politicians and clean them out.

The Looter Party will cleanse the government of election cheaters and corrupt politicians and civil servants that are part of this corruption scheme being perpetrated on the Canadian people to defraud the people of an honest, meritorious civil service and a scheme to influence public offices and contracts.

The Looter Party will also look at holding them accountable and prosecuting the corrupt politicians and hopefully throw them in jail (see email to the Queen for the Criminal Code (Section 119 (text at the end of email) and others (including criminal organization and section 467.2 (federal A.G. can prosecute))) and Election Act sections). And take their money to compensate their victims.

The Looter Party does not think people will vote for politicians that should be in jail. The politicians get the same due process they give the people they steal from.

Also, see heading “Bribery” which shows politicians are not to promise employment or offices for votes on webpage:


This is a no-brainer, people should be very angry at these politicians.

The Looter Party also points out that with the rigged government jobs, preferences and quotas, the people should not be fools (from the Looter Party Home page):

If you are a man, white and/or a white man you are a fool if you support my opponents, they want to displace, pass over and bar you from jobs, and steal from you.
If you are a woman who cares about your husbands, sons, brothers, uncles, friends, etc. you are a fool if you support my opponents, they want to displace and bar them from jobs.

If you are those women (very few) and/or special interest group people that want special treatment for yourself to steal jobs from men and whites, the Looter Party does not want your vote or your support.

My opponents obviously think the votes of those who want special treatment and to displace better qualified men and whites is more important than the votes of other decent hardworking Canadians.

If you support the principles above, join the Looter Party, we will clean out these people. This is not the Canadian way, no “special rights” for some and no “no rights” for some.

They give away some decent hardworking guy’s job, we give away their job. See how they like it.

Lowering standards and passing over better qualified whites and men and white men will be stopped immediately. Especially where strength and stamina are an issue with public safety. They even bar men, including Aboriginal men from jobs. Police officer and public safety are far more important than some silly numbers that do not matter. Who in their right mind would do this? This brings up criminal negligence.

Anyone that can think like a sleazy politician realizes that race and gender preferences are really just politicians using government jobs to be a hero to feminist and ethnic special interest groups for votes and contributions. There are Bribery, election rigging and criminal code sections to stop such. If we had honest, smart politicians and civil servants and judges these people would be removed from office, barred from office and thrown in jail. See email to the Queen for the criminal code and election rigging sections.

I also tire of the special interest groups that try to get special treatment for themselves and take jobs from decent hardworking Canadians, the butt in line people. And, even more so with the politicians that are nice to them because they think they might get a vote and are too dumb to think of the victims. And even worse yet, the politicians that are dumb enough to believe the drivel from people trying to get special treatment for themselves.

Work hard and have some two-bit politician trying to be a hero to some special interest group take your job and funnel it to some special interest group trying to steal for themselves. Do not be a Sucker.


The Cheating point and taking jobs and contracts from people should get the Canadian people angry at the politicians and angry people will clean out the politicians.

Again, if an opponent cheats then they should be disqualified, and if not then the Looter Party is forced to cheat better.

Cheating better means the Looter Party can run their own cheating schemes and anything goes. Like the Looter Party will have to promise government jobs and contracts, as mentioned in the web pages.

The Looter Party also has some serious long term economic concerns with the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), that should be looked at and the Canadian people told about. Issues like flooding the country with foreign workers displacing Canadians, giving away Canadian sovereignty and control of the border and laws, putting Canadians out of business because foreign companies do not have to meet the same health, food safety, worker safety, environment, animal welfare, etc. Canadian standards, and the resulting concern of health and safety of Canadians, etc. Explained in Point 6 of the Release at:


The TPP is a threat to the Canadian people’s form of government, their jobs and their health and safety. And small Canadian businesses.

I also point out that corrupt politicians want people in the press that will look the other way and protect them.

Barry Ceminchuk
(I prefer to be contacted by email, many of my points are involved and best explained in writing)
Looter Party


These politicians are taking jobs and business, which is money, from decent hardworking Canadians. I have the same sympathy and concern for them as they have for their victims.

From the Criminal Code, Section 119. Every one who (a) … being a member of Parliament … (i) obtains … (iii) attempts to obtain, … any office, place or employment for himself or another person in respect of anything done or omitted or to be done or omitted by him in his official capacity, … is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years.

A Member of Parliament obtaining and attempting to obtain jobs for their pals and multiple persons.

Notice 14 years in jail. Serious.

Full Text:

Corruption and Disobedience
119(1) Bribery of judicial officers, etc.
119. (1) Every one who
(a) being the holder of a judicial office, or being a member of Parliament or of the legislature of a province, corruptly
(i) accepts or obtains,
(ii) agrees to accept, or
(iii) attempts to obtain,
any money, valuable consideration, office, place or employment for himself or another person in respect of anything done or omitted or to be done or omitted by him in his official capacity, or
(b) gives or offers, corruptly, to a person mentioned in paragraph (a) any money, valuable consideration, office, place or employment in respect of anything done or omitted or to be done or omitted by him in his official capacity for himself or another person,
is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years.

I suggest people not be nice to thieving corrupt politicians. They do not care about the people or their victims.

Again, I do not think many people will vote for politicians that should be in jail.



Email 2. Pointing out the implications of the race and gender quotas (across the government).


I sent this to a few journalists looking for men and women with guts.

With Trudeau and his gender and race quotas, which are also to be across the government as his Real Change document heading “GOVERNMENT APPOINTMENTS THAT LOOK LIKE CANADA” says, please stand up for the men (fathers, sons, brothers, etc.) whose jobs he wants to steal.

Below is the email I sent to Trudeau on Monday, I do not have a reply as of yet.

Perhaps you can get him to say what he is really saying.

As he wants to give away some guy’s job and money, I want to give away his job and money. How dare this two-bit politician give away some guy’s job. Who does he think he is? Let’s take his job, and take his money to compensate his victims.

And, politicians have to be taught that civil service and men’s jobs are not to be used for votes and kickbacks, there are criminal code provisions to protect the people from corrupt politicians.

Those that do not stand up to politicians like this deserve to be displaced.

I am the Looter Party guy (link to National Post article discussing the Party on home page).


From: Barry Ceminchuk <goodguys@looterparty.com>
Subject: Your quotas, tell the people what you are really saying
To: justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca
Date: Monday, June 22, 2015, 12:36 PM

With your gender and race quotas:

1. Please tell the people what you are really saying, that you want to displace men and replace them with women, that is steal their jobs.

2. And, that you want to give away some decent hardworking guy’s job and that men have no rights and can be discriminated against and their jobs and money taken, so what. And, that you also want to take money from their wives and children.

3. And, tell the people when you are going to give away your job, when you are going to be displaced for a woman. Or, do you want to do something to someone else but not have it done to you? Did you not think of this?

4. And, please tell the people that you want to lower standards and pass over better qualified men and white men. And which could endanger the public and personnel where strength and stamina are an issue.

5. And, please tell the people you are pushing proportionality across the government. [I should have also said except your job.]

6. And, please tell the people that you are a lackey and pawn of the feminist and ethnic groups that want special treatment for themselves so they can take jobs from decent hardworking Canadian men and white men.

7. And, please tell the people that you are using the jobs of decent hardworking Canadians to be a hero to the women (not all) that are trying to get special treatment for themselves and take jobs from men, to promise jobs to the women and ethnic groups for votes and contributions.

Again, please tell the people what you are really saying. Or are these points too complicated for you.

Barry Ceminchuk
Looter Party

Again, please tell Trudeau to tell Canadians what he is really saying (although I doubt he can think that far), that he wants to displace men and replace them with women, that is take their jobs.

What is this Trudeau, is he too dumb to think of the above points or is he a sociopathic thief?

Also, everyone is supposed to be against quotas (are discriminatory) and proportionality is laughable and indicative of a silly and simple mind.

And, if he is going to take jobs from people he should compensate them. Canada is not some third-world country run by some corrupt thieving tin-pot dictator.

Anyone that can think like a simpleton sleazy politician realizes that promising preferences is just some politician trying to be a hero to feminist and ethnic special interest groups for votes and kickbacks. That some two-bit politician will give away some guy’s job and use such to be a hero to those trying to get special treatment for themselves is inexcusable. I want this two-bit politician thrown in jail and my political party (Looter Party) will prosecute him for corruption and election rigging and take his money. There are criminal code sections (119, etc.) to protect the people from corrupt politicians. This is really corruption and election rigging. He should read Section 119 of the criminal code, a Member of Parliament attempting to obtain offices, places and employment for multiple persons.

I also point out that this is typical of the Liberal Party, they use government jobs (parachuting Liberal Party hacks into the civil service, jobs for pals, funnelling jobs to interest groups, etc.) and contracts (like the Sponsorship, etc. in the past, hundreds of millions of dollars with government contracts) as political pawns to funnel to pals, cronies, special interest groups and back to themselves. See my webpage AREAS that shows many things the Liberals did:


For your information below is information showing the unconstitutionality of preferences, see bottom of web page:


Where are the people with guts who stand up to a politician who wants to give away the jobs and rights of decent hardworking Canadians?

Barry Ceminchuk


Email 3. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) points that have serious long term economic consequences for Canada.

With the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) you might be interested in the email I sent to the Canadian Minister, Ed Fast and Stephan Harper (see below) pointing out that there are a lot of issues that should be looked at and the Canadian people told about, like flooding the country with foreign workers displacing Canadians (and Americans), giving away Canadian and American sovereignty and control of the border and laws (Referendum), putting Canadians out of business because foreign companies do not have to meet the same health, food safety, etc. Canadian standards, and the resulting concern of health and safety of Canadians.

This is a threat to Canadian people’s jobs and their health and safety. And small Canadian businesses.

There are both Canadian and U.S. issues discussed.

The email is a bit snarky, I sent previous emails and do not have a reply, and a bit repetitive, I get the impression they cannot intellectually handle multiple variable issues.

One of the quotes:

“This nation has never seen an agreement that compares to the TPP, which forms a new Pacific Union,” Sessions said. “This is far more than a trade agreement, but creates a self-governing and self-perpetuating Commission with extraordinary implications for American workers and American sovereignty. Such a historic international regulatory Commission should never be fast-tracked, and should never be put on a path to passage until every word has been publicly scrutinized, every question answered, and every last power understood by Congress and the American people.”

I also think a Referendum should be placed before the Canadian people, this changes the fundamental way Canadians are governed, with the loss of border control and laws (see excerpts below and Dick Morris videos).

The "trade" follower politicians have to understand all the issues. These politicians seem to hear the word “trade” and do not think beyond that. We have to get politicians that have the brains to understand details and the implications and consequences of such (seems to be too much for Harper). Nor do any of the other party’s politicians, they should have raised these points. There seems to be the old 1990's thinking, just blindly push trade.

The TPP is also being kept secret and the Canadian people are not being told all the implications.


Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Points, please tell the Canadian people and how you are addressing, Looter Party
Thursday, August 6, 2015 9:01 PM
From: "Barry Ceminchuk" <goodguys@looterparty.com>
To: ed.fast@parl.gc.ca
Cc: pm@pm.gc.ca

I previously sent emails regarding the Trans-Pacific Partnership and do not have a reply.

Following are some points, I ask you to please tell the Canadian people about the issues mentioned and ask how you are addressing these points:

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), REFERENDUM, please tell the Canadian people about loss of sovereignty (borders, laws), flood of workers, etc.

Would you please tell the Canadian people that there are major issues that should be looked at and the Canadian people told about. Issues like flooding the country with foreign workers displacing Canadians (see excerpts from “The real fast-track threat” below), giving away Canadian sovereignty and control of the border and laws, putting Canadians out of business because foreign companies do not have to meet the same health, food safety, worker safety, environment, animal welfare, etc. Canadian standards, and the resulting concern of health and safety of Canadians, etc. Explained in detail below.

The TPP is a threat to the Canadian people’s form of government, their jobs and their health and safety. And small Canadian businesses.

A quote from the information below, “The TPP is nothing but an effort by the globalists to circumvent American sovereignty, transferring a host of issues from the control of the U.S. Congress and the various state legislatures to international trade courts. “ This is from a US perspective, same in Canada with federal and provincial governments and means a loss of sovereignty and control of borders and laws.

I am concerned about trade follower politicians that do not understand all the issues and do not understand details and the implications and consequences of such. Some seem to hear the word “trade” and do not think beyond that. There seems to be the old 1990's thinking, just blindly push trade.

If the TPP does not meet Canadian standards then it should not be agreed to. What get Canadians killed with lowered standard food safety? The food safety issue alone is enough to stop the importing of food products to Canada. The health and safety of Canadians is paramount. The Canadian standards point is also important.

It is your job to protect Canadians and Canadian interests. I should not have to remind you of this.

If you do not understand the point about food safety then I suggest you go to these countries and drink the water (not in nice hotels or in Hawaii (US standards), but out in the country) and have a lot of ice with your drinks. Some countries have raw sewage in their water and other contaminants (parasites, bacteria, etc.). And drink the milk from animals that have drank the water.

The TPP is also being kept secret and the Canadian people are not being told all the implications.

Dick Morris in the United States (
www.dickmorris.com) has done an excellent job digging out this information. Below I mention a lot of his points, they refer to the US but they are also applicable here.


As the information below points out, the TPP affects Canadian borders and sovereignty and laws, and this is fundamentally changing the way Canadians are governed.

Therefore this should be placed before the Canadian people, with the consequences and implications openly (details are being kept hidden) and fully discussed with a Referendum.

Therefore I, and the Looter Party, demand a Referendum if you want to agree to the TPP.

Harper has said that if the voting system is to be changed this is changing the fundamental way Canadians are governed and should be down [typo should be done] through a Referendum. Same principle here.


Literally selling out the farm.

In the National Post, June 27, 2015, page A13, Letters to the Editor, a dairy farmer in British Columbia, Julaine Treur of Agassiz B.C., mentioned that she and her husband own and operate an average size dairy farm, and that they were concerned that the trade talks could wipe them out because they could not compete with companies that do not have to meet Canadian standards (food safety, worker safety, environment and animal welfare).

There is also a full page advertisement on page A12 of the July 28, 2015 National Post, entitled Canadian Milk Matters that has excellent points, like Canadian standards and food safety, and large farms that do not care for the animals, etc. They have a website:


This is a valid concern, food products have to meet Canadian standards and this could affect not only thousands of small Canadian businesses but the health and safety of the Canadian food supply, which is the health and safety of Canadians.

Again as said above, the health and safety of Canadians is paramount. It is your job to protect Canadians and Canadian interests.

It seems some are too busy blindly following their “trade agenda” and not smart enough to understand the details and the issue of Canadian health and safety standards.

I am concerned you are selling out Canadian farms and small business to companies that do not have to meet Canadian standards. And, endangering the health and safety of Canadians.

Again, the food safety issue alone is enough to stop the importing of food products to Canada. The health and safety of Canadians is paramount. Again, if you do not understand this point then I suggest you go to these countries and drink the water and drink the milk from animals that have drank the water.

[Not included, I should have also mentioned that some tainted imported pet food kill some animals awhile ago.]

You politicians talk about helping small business and well paying long term jobs while you sell out Canadians businesses and jobs (also see below with flood of foreign workers).

Other points:

There is “free trade” and there is “fair trade”, many issues are not being discussed, currency manipulation, environment laws, worker safety laws, etc. These require people who have the ability to think beyond the simple and their own concerns and understand the details.

And, there are other serious economic implication issues that are not being discussed:

- Flooding the country with foreign workers displacing Canadians (see excerpts from “The real fast-track threat” below). Possibly millions.

- Giving away Canadian sovereignty and control of the border and laws.

- Jobs being exported out, moved to other countries, like what is happening in the auto industry in Ontario.

- Again, wiping out Canadian small businesses that cannot compete because other companies do not have to meet Canadian standards. Also a danger to the health and safety of Canadians. See the selling out the farm point above.

Another point here is that the money paid here in Canada will be moved out of the country, further affecting the Canadian economy.

Flooding the country with foreign workers, etc.

With flooding the country with foreign workers, with no checking if Canadians (he uses American, but it would be the same here) available, credentials, skill levels, etc., article “Dick Morris: The real fast-track threat, by Dick Morris - 06/16/15” at:


Some excerpts:

“An article by Daniel Costa and Ron Hira of the Economic Policy Institute wades through the pages of TISA documents posted on WikiLeaks to find provisions on open immigration. Article 4, concerning “Entry and Temporary Stay of Natural Persons,” states signatories “shall not maintain or adopt Economic Needs Tests, including labor market tests, as a requirement for a visa or work permit.” Costa and Hira explain: “In other words, U.S. laws or regulations limiting guestworkers only to jobs where no U.S. workers were available would violate the terms of the treaty.”

“Article 5 goes further, proposing that member nations “shall take market access and national treatment commitments for intra-corporate transferees, business visitors, and ... contractual service suppliers and independent professionals.” The draft then goes on to require signatories to “allow entry and temporary stay of [contractual service suppliers and independent professionals]” in a long list of specific fields.” …

“Costa and Hira point out that "foreign firms would not be required to advertise jobs to U.S. workers, or to hire U.S. workers if they were equally or better qualified for job openings in their own country." They note that the treaty means that "potentially hundreds of thousands of workers could enter the United States every year ... importing cheaper labor to supplant American workers."”

These are serious, long term economic issues, jobs out and massive influx of foreign workers here.

“The treaty is often billed as impacting high-tech Silicon Valley jobs only.”

This is trying to flood the country with foreign workers with lower or false credentials and trying to lower the wages of these workers. Again, they talk about helping small business and well paying long term jobs when they are actively trying to destroy the industry and take away well paying jobs from Canadians who can with some effort (education and experience) have a chance at a well paying job. This is absurd. Too complicated for these people.




“The TPP is nothing but an effort by the globalists to circumvent American sovereignty, transferring a host of issues from the control of the U.S. Congress and the various state legislatures to international trade courts.

Start with the fact that nobody knows what is in the TPP. President Obama will not let anyone see it.

Indeed, many of the provisions are said to be aspirational, setting policy goals and leaving it to the trade courts to sort out. Any assurance that the treaty curbs currency manipulation is fanciful. The courts can interpret it any way they want. Indeed, the International Monetary Fund now does so, preventing any effort to restrict Chinese manipulation, despite overwhelming evidence that it is happening.

But the main impact of the TPP is to create legal obstacles in the way of American attempts to regulate access to our market.”

Does American or state law restrict genetically modified food? The TPP won't permit it.

Does the U.S. Congress impose limitations on the "free flow of labor" between America and Mexico? The TPP can stop it.

Another article, and there were more from other writers:

Revealed: The Secret Immigration Chapter in Obama’s Trade Agreement, by Alex Swoyer, 10 Jun 2015:


Also, the article "Jeff Sessions on Obamatrade’s ‘New Pacific Union’ Like the EU: Something America Has ‘Never Seen’ Before", by Matthew Boyle, 17 Jun 2015:

“This nation has never seen an agreement that compares to the TPP, which forms a new Pacific Union,” Sessions said. “This is far more than a trade agreement, but creates a self-governing and self-perpetuating Commission with extraordinary implications for American workers and American sovereignty. Such a historic international regulatory Commission should never be fast-tracked, and should never be put on a path to passage until every word has been publicly scrutinized, every question answered, and every last power understood by Congress and the American people.”


These affect the ability of Canada to control our borders and laws and sovereignty and control immigration.

Barry Ceminchuk
Looter Party


Again, if you have read this far, thank you for your attention. I would appreciate any comments you have.

Barry Ceminchuk
Looter Party


Email: goodguys@looterparty.com

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